So this is my first blog entry. Three weeks ago, I watched the movie "Motherhood" with Uma Thurman. It's about one crazy, hectic day for a mom of two named Eliza who loves to write. In fact, she has her own blog and throughout the movie, you see Eliza finding that brief moment in between laundry and running errands to sit down and type a piece of her life out in her blog. As I sat there watching this movie(mind you, it's 2:00am and I am packing for a trip to Virginia), I had this thought "I have those moments happen in life...I could blog my thoughts". It was a refreshing idea to know that if I was frustrated about something, sitting down at my laptop was so appealing.So here I am three weeks later and the idea of writing a blog has been swirling around in my mind. Why three weeks...I could not think of a Blog Name. I know it must sound ridiculous but the name of my blog would be my foundation of this project-the name needed to be just right in my mind.
Life's Puzzle Pieces came to me last night and was inspired by my two year old son. He LOVES to put puzzles together and is one of our favorite activities to do together(It is a great LOW KEY activity for him). He not only finds the right pieces to fit together, he tells me what each piece is. As I listened and watched him, I realized how little moments and memories truly created what my life is.
So here is my blog "Life's Puzzle Pieces"...a place where I can share little moments that help define me as a person but hopefully can give someone a laugh or a cry or even helpful advice.
A place that maybe other mom's can relate to my thoughts.
I look forward to sharing my puzzle pieces with whoever wants to read.
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