See that bright pink picture above?!?!?...this is what I think people see today when I send them an email asking for specific things (specific things that I need for a deadline). Even though it's not possible for these same people to see this bright pink sign over the phone, I think somehow this is what they hear when I call to remind them about emailing my specific things.
I really feel like asking them if they comprehend the English language because obviously something is getting in the way-especially when my email read:
Your pictures must be emailed today by 3:00 PM today (Friday March 19th, 2010).
The Power Point has to be turned in Monday morning.
Call me for any questions. Thanks
Do you think I got pictures emailed to me-NO!!!! One person gave me a DVD that yes has pictures on it but cannot be used for this Power Point in particular (and she knew this a head of time). The other three I called twice to make sure they had the right email address and just as a reminder. All I got from them was two "Oh yeah, I am sending it now" (2 hours later still no email) and one "Can I bring them by on a disk Monday morning?"
So today I think no matter what I write or say, the people I come in contact read or hear